Clinical Educators

Raising Awareness of Your Product Among Leading Healthcare Professionals

TMAC’s global Clinical Nurse Educators (CNEs) foster the exchange of clinical information to raise disease state and product awareness amongst healthcare professionals including physicians, nurses, pharmacists, home health care and nursing home/hospice personnel. CNEs also educate caregivers and patients, providing them with injection and administration training techniques, strategies to effectively comply and adhere to their medication therapy and discussions of potential safety issues related to their therapy regimen.

CNEs, also known as Nurse Educators, Clinical Educators or Nurse Advisors, are HCPs with advanced nursing degrees and experience in clinical care settings. Dependent on the therapeutic area and activities to be provided, many of these CNEs are additionally credentialed and/or certified, ensuring that they engage in credible and compliant communications.

CNEs are often deployed to address a specific “gap” for a product where utilization, adherence or uptake is limited or challenging.  Through peer-to-peer discussions with target HCPs and their staffs, CNEs can provide hands-on training for products, devices and/or education on the disease management tools used to diagnose and treat chronic conditions. CNEs are often deployed to:

  • Create awareness about underdiagnosed or misdiagnosed patients
  • Heighten awareness of disease management practices and guidelines
  • Educate HCP audiences on drugs/devices and their potential side effects and warnings
  • Provide education in support of complicated dosing and administration requirements – i.e. injectables
  • Train the trainers
  • Improve patient adherence and outcomes through educational and clinical support
  • Communicate REMS requirements to ensure safe and appropriate utilization (in the US market)

CNEs can be deployed at any point in a product’s lifecycle (pre, launch, post), providing both proactive and reactive support.

TMAC CNEs are fully salaried and benefitted employees of TMAC and are 100% allocated to the clients they are hired to work on behalf of.  TMAC’s flexible model provides its clients with multiple hiring options; including internalization of all or some of the field medical team resources at the conclusion of the program.

Advancing healthcare one relationship at a time.