Candidate Resources

When putting your résumé together, it can be difficult to determine how to organize each of the positions you’ve held in a way that is clear and easy to interpret. This is especially true if you have held jobs in the past in which you have been promoted within the same company, have been deployed […]

There are a few interview questions that every interviewee knows is coming. Even though these questions are routinely asked, it doesn’t mean they should be taken lightly. In fact some interviews fall apart at the very beginning, when the interviewer asks, “Walk me through your resume.” Icebreaker Sometimes the “walk me through your resume” request […]

We debrief with hiring managers every day about interviews, and what I’ve noticed is that the most common interviewing pitfall is over-talking. Since we are in football season, I’ll make a football analogy.  Think of an NFL quarterback as they drop back to pass.  They have an internal clock that tells them that they’ve held […]

Overcoming Interview Inertia, Creating Interview Momentum Everywhere you look there is advice about how to interview.  There is advice from how to dress–to what to say or not to say–to how to follow up.  The large majority of the advice is worthwhile, but there is a point in the process that I don’t see given […]

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